Hawaiian Feeling!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Tomorrow is the day of our Hawaiian inspired collection photo shoot which I'm dead excited for!
I feel I've had more input into the collection as I've nearly been ad PD for 7 weeks now, CRAZY.
I've been super busy over the past week sorting bits and bobs out and printing boards and feel like I've missed keeping track of what I've done, So here's just a hint of whats in store for tomorrows shoot. 
It's a vintage Hawaiian shirt that I reworked in the studio today and it turned out pretty cool, hope you agree?!
Might have to raid the charity shops for some old shirts and make a few!
The collections a mix of Pretty disturbia hand made, customised and vintage pieces, and obviously I'm going to take so pictures as the shoots going on. As it's one of my fave parts of working here. Finally seeing what you've made being shot and modelled!

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